Ανάμεσα στις 37 χώρες του ΟΟΣΑ η Ελλάδα κατετάγη τέταρτη από το τέλος, ενώ ακολουθούν η Χιλή, το Μεξικό, η Κολομβία και η Ισπανία.

Η Εσθονία, ο Καναδάς, η Φινλανδία και η Ιρλανδία σημείωσαν την υψηλότερη επίδοση ανάμεσα στις χώρες του ΟΟΣΑ.

Computer Science – Computational Thinking and PISA

  1. Estonia boasts one of the most innovative education models in the world, thanks, in particular, to a project launched in 2012, called ProgeTiger. Based on this project, Estonian schools reach the entire population, from kindergarten to lifelong learning, ???????? ??? ??????????? ?? ???????? ??????????? ??????? “????????? ?????????? ??? ???-??????????? ??????????? ?????????”
  2. We discovered that Finnish schools focus on problem solving, developing logical skills and digital competence within what they call ‘transversal competencies’ as part of every subject. They have adopted a blend of teaching computational thinking through both a cross-curricular and a single subject approach linking specifically to maths. Schools use an elective approach and we saw this at Lielhati school where students can opt into short computational thinking and programming courses.Finland is renowned for an unorthodox and highly successful approach that has been pored over by experts given that, until the last few years, it has been one of the very top performers in the Programme for International Student Assessment (Pisa), which tests the reading, mathematics and science literacy of 15-year-olds.